Heart & Soul Coaching for Women

Helping women honor their unique wisdom and gifts and remember that their well-being is inherently interconnected with that of the whole, so you can live full & bring forth your deepest gifts.


I work with women of all ages, in any area of your life

In our coaching sessions, we focus on the areas of your life that you are wanting support around including your relationships, all your forms of work, your home, how you take care of yourself, whether you parent, being young, growing older and any or all other areas. I understand the connection between all these parts of you and your live and help you weave them together in a way that most deeply supports you.

Live your own way

Together we explore the life that is most right for you, in your way. I help you separate from outside pressures and “shoulds” and see, value and express your unique wisdom and way of being in the world. I help you make decisions that are rooted in strength and connection and not external messaging, conditioning and fear so you can live the life you most desire and are meant to.


Tend to yourself as you tend to others

Females are taught from day one that giving and sacrificing unconditionally, no matter how much it depletes us, is honorable. We are told it is a sign of strength. It isn’t! Conditions lead women, especially those working to repair our world to forget that our lives going well is an essential piece of that better world be are working so hard for. I support you remember and reclaim that you matter as we tune in and tend to your well-being.

Trust in you

I support you to recover and live from trust in your mind, body, dreams and knowing. Women lose connection with and trust in our inner knowing at such a tender, young age, inundated with messages that we need answers from outside of ourselves. You don’t. All the knowing you need is inside of you. I help you listen to, honor and live from your knowing.

Collaborative and individually tailored for you

I work with you, helping you tap into and deepen your own wisdom and skill. Together we decide the shape and timeline of our work, with you in the lead. I work virtually and can connect with you wherever you are. Our work together can span from one session to a few months to ongoing partnership. My expertise is rooted in decades of diverse education and experience. My approach is collaborative, wildly creative and full of heart.

Contact me here for more information or to schedule an initial chat or session. I’d love to connect with you!

“That ability you have to gently, with deep compassion, make everyone you connect with more...alert....to our own capacities for self-compassion and deeper feeling is your tremendous superpower.

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Let’s connect and see if we’re a good fit!

Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. - Max Ehrmann