Declutter & Vision Your Home

Live fully, joyfully and sustainably in connection with yourself and all of earth!


I support you to tend to your home, your way.

With strategic questions and lots of listening, I bring forth YOUR ideas and visioning. I do not use one-size-fits-all strategies. I help you see new possibilities for your home, which opens new possibility for your whole life.

Decluttering is transformative.

I support and guide you to tap into the deep healing transformation that comes when you clear your home of what is in your way and make room for what supports you and your life. This work is about making your home, your life and the world go well.

Everyone has the skills to create home, including you.

It is a widespread, very wrong misconception that only some people possess the ability to think well about making a good home. That has been proven completely false to me over and again as I have helped countless people connect with their own knowing, wisdom and power. I am here to help you move through feelings of overwhelm, shame, powerlessness and other blocks in your way so you can experience that for yourself.

Reach out for deep support to transform your home, your life and the world!


My practice is collaborative and individually tailored for you

Together we decide the shape and timeline of our work, with you in the lead. I work virtually and can connect with you wherever you are. Our work together can span from one session to a few months to ongoing partnership. My expertise is rooted in over 25 years of practice with individuals and groups of diverse identities, ages and life stories in a wide array of settings. My practice is rooted in sharp insight, creative practice, and big heart.

Tending to home is not “women’s’” work

Tending to home gets to be everyone’s joyful, life changing, world healing work! Though the lens of our current societal oppressive dysfunctions, tending to home is seen as “women’s realm,” which means it is undervalued, unseen, uncompensated and not understood to be “real” work, that needs support. What is more important than thoughtful, strategic attention to home? Home is where people are housed, cared for, nourished, grown? Home is sacred. Your home gets to be a nourishing, supportive, joyful space for you!

Contact me here for more information or to schedule an initial chat or session. I’d love to connect with you!

“Working with you has helped my life in such a meaningful way. It’s such an awesome feeling to spend time in a cleared space….in a beautiful home. Thanks so much for the work you do! I have benefited from it way more than I could have imagined”

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Let’s connect and see if we’re a good fit!

Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. - Max Ehrmann